0:14:32 For the next year. And so far I’ve, I’ve basically this, all these tabs I’ve already consolidated into odu, but our project planning and listing in Airtable is still being used. And I would like to not just say, we’re gonna fix this by the 21st of March, but I wanna try to get ahead of it because then we can get people eased into it and transition slowly. 0:15:03 Right. So we, we try to, we try to use this and I’ve never gotten a really good adoption because it’s Airtable because it’s so, it’s so ephemeral and easy To just, it’s so Airtable, It’s, you know, you can just take this and just, there’s no accountability. Yeah, there is. I mean, you can, it’s got the whole like, 0:15:22 event stream of who did what. Yeah. I could see who screwed it up, but I, I can’t keep the screwing it up. Yeah. So it’s like everything is all here. And just little weird things. Like whenever I drag out a thing, it’s, it’s like, it puts it in empty M empty, empty. And then I can just like leave it and there’s just an empty, 0:15:42 empty, empty. Not, sorry, empty what? Like, that’s not a valid piece of information. So basically we use this to capacity plan and then we have a separate awful thing called TSheets, which is a QuickBooks product that S Yes, I remember TSheet. Yeah. So they were bought by into it and they merged it into to QuickBooks and it’s just going downhill. 0:16:10 There is still a way to get into the main interface, but it’s, they’re trying to basically build it into QuickBooks and so far they haven’t built nearly any of the features in there, so it’s really hard To use. Yeah. And, and QuickBooks is so good about not having 12 clicks that you need to get through just to get logged into something just so that you can see one piece of data that should have taken you like, 0:16:30 I don’t know, 15 seconds to pull up. Yeah. They’re really Great about It. I keep making these test databases on online and playing around with things. So the latest one I played with is all these essentially time sheets. I don’t know if I’ve, if I, if in doing this, I’ve actually explicitly enabled, oh yeah, I did enabled time sheets, 0:16:51 but this serves our purposes. It’s just, it’s a lot to You. You, there’s a really good synergy here that I’ve, that everyone’s really enthused about. And I, I gave the, I gave a admin login to this specific 15 day test to a few people just a few days ago. And they already played with it and they’re like, yes, 0:17:14 let’s do this. But there’s there, there’s a ton of demo data in this one. So it might, it might be, I guess easier said than done. ’cause I don’t, none of the people I gave access to would actually be able to implement a workflow. Now did I put, am I just like, why did he just give it another, 0:17:39 oh, I see. He gave it a different logo. Somebody played with something they weren’t authorized to play with. Yeah. Well everyone’s admin’s on this test though, so it’s fine. So basically there, there’s a lot of ways to skin this cat. I realized there is, there’s the ability for projects themselves to be made, like inextricably linked to sales orders, 0:18:03 which is cool. And then there’s this whole service field service, which it seems to be, you know, if it was a Venn diagram, there’s like a 25% overlap between the field service and the projects. And then there’s also the planning, which seems to go hand in hand with time sheets. But I really like what I’m seeing here. I like the idea that, 0:18:24 okay, I can have my projects, I can have a gantt of the projects themselves. Yep. And to me, a project is basically one to one, one-to-one with a sales opportunity. Unless it’s like I have a client who has five sales that they’re doing through like five different entities on five different accounting lines. But to me it’s one project. So I wanna make sure that we have the ability to not just, 0:18:51 I, I don’t want it just to inex, applicably make like five projects. One, to me it’s one, so some sort of way to, for us to, to understand the business case or projects. And then also I like what I’m seeing here in terms of capacity planning because I can go and I can have tasks inside them and I can have those tasks have time commitments and Right. 0:19:17 I’m just, I’m not convinced that I have the time to actually implement this. But I think that the default implementation is nearly there and it, the, the key is just going to be walking through, ideally through our current workflow. Like, okay, I have, here’s what I do at my meeting. I go through and I put the stuff in and we talk about capacity planning, 0:19:42 and then someone else comes into a different application and schedules shifts for workers. And then basically proving that out as like a test case of how we would do it in, in odu. And then ideally documenting that to the point where at least I could, I could record a training on it and I don’t have to spend so much time. So that would be something like, 0:20:12 how do we make ODU our project task tracker, for instance, like I’ve got a project right now where I know I need to, they sent me a logo and they want it on the background of their TVs. So I wanna be able to put in a, a task like that, right. For that, for that project. But at the same time, 0:20:33 I also want to be able to schedule, like pretend my junior architect is my installation crew, right? I wanna be able to like schedule the deadline for the installation and have the time coming in, you know, 66 hours and then somehow have a a, a document that’s like say, okay, so you wanna schedule people, here’s how you go from like, 0:20:53 I don’t know how to go from this task, which is gr a great interface to the planning thing, which is also great interface and utilize it, right? ’cause this is exactly what we want. It’s just that, it’s this kinda like, like the Venn diagram. It’s like I want them all on top of each other, but right now it’s planning field service projects, 0:21:17 sales orders, and they’re like this and I want it all on, on top of each other. All right. All right. So that’s that one. It’s more vague and it’s more basically I need a business and implementation on this or like a business development and an implementation development on this one. Right, Right. I gotcha. So what questions would you have to kind of develop a, 0:21:42 a proposal for this aspect? I really, with, with that one, what we have found in implementing project and planning and field service, the, those pieces, because they work, they do work very well together. Once you, once you fit it in with how the business works. And so what I would say is we would probably want to first just say, 0:22:15 all right, let’s schedule some time and let’s with, with whoever needs to be part of that conversation. Mm. Who does this every, you know, does this all the time is says, all right, walk me through your day how this, you know, how this actually works out. What are, like with one of our clients, they, 0:22:37 they had, they do medical gas installs for hospitals. Okay. So they walk in, they have to have certain things signed before they can ever walk through the door, but then when they walk out, they have to have a signature on certain documents. So they have to be able to have, you know, not only validation that they did the work and test results that go into that because obviously people’s lives are on the line ’cause they work in surgical environments and all that. 0:23:01 But they have to have test validation that that goes into the system. But then they have to have a sign off that says this was done from the customer so that the customer is held accountable to say, Hey, you gotta pay this because you signed off that it was done and here are the test results that prove that it was done. So, you know, 0:23:24 for some people that system of all these checks and balances and, and things they’ve gotta have affects some of the other pieces. Like, I can’t allocate this person over here because I haven’t gotten the signature from this person to say they’re actually authorized to walk through the door. Yeah, Yeah. There’s saying it’s gonna be, it’s not gonna be a one-on-one business, 0:23:48 but I think the types of, the type of conversation you would’ve had with that client would be similar. The type of engagement you have with that client would be similar. Right. Because, because we not, we can’t just decide how it, the, how it’s gonna be implemented. Right now, part of the proposal that you’ll provide is the time to listen and Yeah. 0:24:07 Build the workflow and then potentially decide on the scope and scale of a second phase Yeah. On how to like, okay, well here’s, here’s what needs to be done and here’s how much it costs for us to do it. Right. Or something of that nature. So I can understand and specifically with, I like that you mentioned whoever needs to be involved because specifically this is one where I would definitely benefit from not being as involved. 0:24:34 Not only because of my time, but also because I struggled to get to get adoption and Airtable. And I think if everyone just talks to a third party, it’s like the consultant effect of, well, someone else is gonna tell me how to do this right? And I’m gonna, I’m gonna tell ’em what I want and they’re gonna tell me how it is. 0:24:53 I don’t have to listen to Mark wine about you know, this or that because I’m not as involved about it and I can at least spend some time on these other, you know, bullet 0.1 and bullet 0.3 trying to work through those without seriously putting at risk our ability to implement this system by the next renewal of Airtable, which is gonna cost us Right. 0:25:15 You many, many, many thousands of dollars. Right? Right. So with you just getting thought process back from you, and because we, we like working and, and have always had a mindset to work with clients where they are and whatever way works best with them is a, for you all’s environment is, is a just a flat hourly rate with a projected number of hours. 0:25:44 A better way to look at something like, hey, we expect that, that interview and discussion and planning process, that’s gonna cost, that’s gonna take like three hours. Hey, here’s our hourly rate. You know, and then Yeah. I, I think if that, if that’s, if that’s the proposal, as long as there is a number of hours that, 0:26:00 that would be really helpful. Look at, as long as it’s not just a shot in the dark Sure. Because we’d wanna see a number on it to make sure we understand what the time commitment would be. Right. Also like for us and how we, how we would fit into that. I don’t know for like this bullet point, if it’d even be possible to give a, 0:26:18 a projection of the overall hours for the project, but at the We, we would have to do the stage one to get a projection on the stage two. Yeah. Okay. Simply because you, how, how do you define how long it’s gonna take to do something that you don’t yet have an, you have too much ambiguity to know exactly what it’s gonna take. 0:26:35 But we could do the, we, we could definitely do the proposal and like, hey, this is gonna take probably a couple of meetings, one, one to get the initial thought, one to present, here’s how we understand it. One, to come back and, you know, and, and in that present they’ll probably gonna go, well, 0:26:52 but wait a minute, we did this other thing needs to be considered. And because that’s just the way it goes. Yeah. And, and then it’s like, okay, let’s go back to, you know, go back to the drawing board real quick and, and make adjustments on this leg and this leg, you know? Okay. Now one more presentation. 0:27:08 So we’re, you know, five hours maybe, you know, we’re, we’re not talking about a massive amount of time just to get that stage one where we really understand. I would say probably in the five to seven hour range, you know, okay, okay, here’s what we are trying to accomplish. Here are the end goals and to, to the end of here are the things that are absolute must haves to drop Airtable. 0:27:33 And here are the nice to haves that maybe even could extend past that point because they’re the icing on the cake, but they don’t have to happen to make Airtable go away. So. Right. Okay. That sounds like you have a good understanding of at least the phase one of this task. And you know, like I said, I like what I’m seeing here. 0:27:53 So I think it’s a very, it should be a very simple use case of the tool that we already use, right? Or of this, of this thing, the, the ODU platform kind of emulating the tool we use and making it better where possible. So hopefully I don’t have to be too involved from like the technical sense, like Right. There’s no, 0:28:15 there’s no integration with, well I guess there would be a little bit of like, I, you know, I can elaborate on how our, how our quotes feed in and how they have different line items that have like, okay, I’ve got installation, I’ve got commissioning and all that. And tho those could be as long as we can break them up into multiple days and, 0:28:38 and all that, but Yeah. Yeah. That, that won’t be a problem. I mean, we’re, most of, most of the time we’re gonna sit down and say, all right, we need like 30, 45 minutes and we want it, we wanna talk about this specific thing, and if it takes us 15 minutes, great. That’s all we need. 0:28:53 If it takes us, you know, an hour, because that thing is just that significant that we gotta understand the com, you know, whatever’s happening here, then, then, you know, you’ll, you’ll know that before we sit down and, and talk. But it’s not like you’re, you need to sit there while we work on it and, 0:29:12 and say, well, I need, well wait minute, I need this. You know, it, it’s gonna be, Hey, we need to talk to you again on Friday or Monday and talk about this little piece right here. Are, you know, are we understanding it right? Are we doing it right? Is everything looking like what you want it to do? 0:29:31 And then we come back, say, all right, I got another thing on Wednesday. You good on Wednesday? Can we get an hour? You know, that that cool’s gonna be more the, the scenario that we’re gonna find ourselves in. Now if this is an interesting thing be with, with you doing the tests and stuff online, is this a scenario where we could actually, 0:29:54 for some of this, depending on how all it integrates in your system, where we could do some of our test and build environments through the online version, show it to you, and then bring that into the on-premise version for actually building it out? Yeah. That’s, that’s the way to do it. I found, because A, whenever I set up a second database on-prem, 0:30:20 you know, A, there’s just complexity involved and b there’s some sort of automatic message generated that says, you know, your database ID is being used, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. Right? Right. So that’s why I went to the online thing. And also, you definitely don’t want to deal with putting it in the prod one because once you add some of this, 0:30:41 some of these lines to the database, there’s, there’s no way to undo it. It’s like cor Correct. Yeah. And I’ll show you that in point number three. Okay. But, but basically, yeah, unless you have any other lingering thoughts on this one, we can go to the third one. Nope, this one’s gonna, the third one’s gonna be the most technical. 0:30:58 And this is just where I’ve kind of hit a wall and I do believe we’ll probably need to develop some stuff here. And I, I’ve developed enough stuff at this point that I feel like I’ve satisfied my, my urge and I’m not really, I’m not really adding too much to me specifically, but I can tell you there’s some stuff that it does not support outta the box. 0:31:23 And I, I can’t imagine it’s gonna support with studio. But let me get you through this last point here. So, okay, so it says, you know, we’re attempting to move our service contracts into the platform. Okay. So I can just show you a little bit of the wonkiness that we, we were dealing with. So grand scheme of things, 0:31:45 the website is part of the, like we wanna have clients who have a service contract be able to see tickets relevant to people in their organization. Like if I work at whatever Deco Corp or whatever the, you know, the default one is here, I wanna see my Deco Corp colleagues have submitted tickets and everything. So that’s kinda where I started with that as like, 0:32:09 okay, I wanna make a website. So I did that. I did, am I sharing window or screen here? I believe you see my, I Think I can see Chrome behind it. I yeah, I see your menus and stuff. So, Okay, so I can do this. So I, I did, so the, the, the, 0:32:29 the technical complexity started when I made the second website or the first website or whatever. So I made a, what’d I do? S made a website. Yep. And then I think, I think I can log in here. Let’s see, you know, we’ve got, and we’re actually switching the, ’cause we, we were coming from HubSpot, which required you to have use an identity provider and we’re actually switching this up and we like it what we’ve got. 0:32:58 So we’re gonna keep using that, which is another complication. But I’ll show you all how all these complications create problems, create secondary problems that make it impossible to use. It’s like, okay, I come in here, I can see my tickets. Oh whoa. But I can’t see the tickets from other people at my, the mark company. I’m Marco Berro at the Mark company here. 0:33:21 Right. And I can only see me at mark amber dot CO’s problems. I can’t see info at mark amber dot CO’s problems. So that’s number one is that, that’s, that’s what our customers expect. They expect to be able to see organization, everything That’s in their organization. Yeah. So If they associated With their domain exactly their domain. So that if it’s, 0:33:43 if it’s sbl l Chicago, all of sbl L Chicago stuff shows up because someone from sbl l Chicago logged in. Yeah. It’s basically this situation here of, oh, this is my test. It’s basically me, mark, oh Yeah, there’s me, the mark company and there’s the Mark company, mark Berro. And then I would have, in reality, 0:34:14 I’d have different customers and they’d have the different people. But this, yeah, this is the ticket, the ticket is associated with this. This is who gets all the, the noise when the tickets go back and forth. Right. But this is who the ticket automatically is associated with. Okay. So, okay, so I’ve got that, I have the ability to create a new ticket. 0:34:34 And then I ran into an issue as well where I had sometimes a client, like the Mark company is just kind of like, I would’ve had this because I’m like the mark company and we this, no matter how big the client is, there’s always the, the champion customer, the champion client contact of like, right. The mark, you know, 0:34:59 our, our big, you know, fortune 500 client is just in the end, it’s just one person there who like does stuff with us. So what I ha was happening is, like I, I emailed or I create a ticket in the web interface, logged in is the Marco Berrow put my email in there, I hit submit and it disappeared because it got sucked in to the entity that is the company, 0:35:24 which is kind of what I wanted, but it’s not productive because I just get a 4 0 4. So there’s like a little bit of a weird, like that’s, that’s almost like bug territory to me, where if I’m on a form, I should just, even if I put in the most wild email address there, like it sh I should still be me, 0:35:44 especially if I’m already in the system and I already have an email Address. So because you’re, what you’re saying is because you’re logged in, if you put the wrong email address in there, I dunno if I put the right one, I just changed the company’s email address to my email address. And I’m pretty sure, unless just the order of me doing things changes things, 0:36:03 boom. Internal surveyor, you know why that is? It’s because this client, you know, client not contact Right. Is associated with that ticket. So if I go back here and I say, and this is, to me, this is the norm, like the norm is that the, the champion contact for a client is the custom is submitting the ticket, 0:36:30 The company not. Yeah. So, and now when I come here, boom, it works because I reassigned it to myself. But for some reason that email on the mark company was taking priority. So Gotcha. So I was okay, I was trying to get there all, and I know there’s gotta be a way to avoid that. And then it gets, 0:36:47 it gets deeper a little bit because this interface works well and off, I have no idea how to edit the color of this text. And that’s also a, a pain point here because the website editor allows you to change everything except for these, these like canned apps, right? So I don’t know where the CSS is for that, but we’d like this ideally to match the style Branding of the company. 0:37:15 Yeah. And, and then I, you know, getting rid of this power by od at the bottom and you know, housekeeping stuff there. And then we get to the second part, which is the Outta curiosity. I, I’m assuming it, and correct me if I’m wrong, is this running in one of the, the demo test environments or this is actually running in product in the production? 0:37:40 No, this is production Site that you’re, okay. Alright. So this is, this is my website configuration settings and this, so, so, gotcha. Okay. I created this website and then my problem was that whenever any of the employees logged in, they would see this, right? And they’re like, I don’t wanna submit a ticket, I wanna pull orders. 0:37:59 And they have to know that you have to go up to the top left corner and a little thing appears outta nowhere. So I I, I separated this website out, which has now created more issues because, you know, when it sends out, when you send out emails to a client or to a vendor, it gives you a redirect link which has the token in there already. 0:38:22 So it’s like, here, here supplier view your purchase order. So I had to come in here and I, I think I just, I think I decided, I saw this this morning by dragging this one up to the top, top. But it’s like this weird, it was like redirecting priority. Yeah. Okay. So it’s, it’s a priority thing. 0:38:40 I think it’s probably solved. But then, then we were like, oh you know what, we have another company, or not a company, it’s, it’s part of the same company but it’s like a different brand. So it’s supposed to be associated with this database because it’s the same financial entity, but it’s a completely separate brand. And then I created this, 0:38:58 this is for our present more brand. So we have our current website right now on WordPress and it doesn’t have a web store, but we wanted to incorporate a web store on there. Sure. And I understand totally how to put the products and say this product goes to this website and this product goes to this website and I made it so that this one is like, 0:39:16 oh, what’s the easiest way to do this? Probably over again in the incognito. I, I haven’t customized it at all. I just said my brand color is purple or whatever. But then I’m like, well if you sign in now I’m starting to get really irritated with this because I don’t want email and password and I certainly don’t want it. I just want one, 0:39:36 I have an open ID one provider. I just want, when you hit law sign in, it just does that. But this one doesn’t work because I haven’t set up the redirect URL for it. But I basically want present more to go to just the present more accounts and then the tech solutions and the ooo SPL cloud.io to go to the, the SPL ID identity provider, 0:40:02 which have their own branding. They’re not associated with each other. Right. And I can have my employees log in with the SPL ID one and the present more. One, it’s only used by a few employees that Right. Would have access to that one. And I don’t really care if it’s just like, if you could technically log in to present more with the SPL id, 0:40:23 but the only reason you don’t is because it’s just hidden in the H TM L. Like that’s fine. ’cause it’s, it’s still secure, but it’s basically impossible as far as I can tell without either finding a, you know, there’s like no plugins. You basically have to build, build your own stuff. ’cause there’s like nothing for version 17 and every, 0:40:43 everything’s just made by some crappy developer in India. So if you want something done right, it’s gonna be someone has to build this for us to say if website is, you know, right. Asterisk present more.com asterisk matches that then redirect to, you know, id dot present more.com. And if I, and if it’s, if it’s equal to, if it has the word SPL in it, 0:41:14 you know Right. It goes to the, the right ID provider for that, which they’re, they’re separate. So that if I can get that done then, so, so let me, so what is first, what, what is the ID provider that you’re using? They’re both key cloak. So they’re both open. Id connect and I did find a, 0:41:37 a, a plugin on a GitHub that gives you proper support for this. I think it’s over here. So this is this, this view right here is a open ID versus just an OAuth, which is what I started using for my, I think this was employee, I don’t remember which one it was. But basically, yeah, you know, this is my internal one, 0:42:07 this is my external one. I can just use one. It I can route, I can route them through each other, but I need to have one for SPL and one for present more. SPL goes that way. Present more goes the other way. Right. Two not, she’ll never touch, the only place they touch is it’s the same financial entity essentially. 0:42:24 Right. Okay. So that’s the technical side of that. And then, and then I guess there’s one more piece to this. And this might, this might be a, a separate scope of work because I think it, they could be, they could be separated just into separate thought processes. But the, I had one of my colleagues working on the actual, 0:42:49 ’cause all of this we’re doing with a website, like I mentioned, it’s just like the layer above the problem. It’s not the actual business problem, it’s just like tooling. But the business problem I was trying to solve is basically client sees tickets from other people on their thing. Now does this client have a service package with us? Are they a subscriber to our service plan or are they break fix? 0:43:10 I would like to be able to offer them the ability to shop essentially for a break fix or, or a service plan. Why not? You know? Right. They can learn about that too. But potentially the most important ones can be break fixed. If they, if they have something’s broken, they need it fixed, they can go and self-serve themselves. 0:43:29 Gotcha. So a non-user, not, not someone who already is ha has an existing relationship with y’all maybe because of break fix in the, The past, but, well, they would, and I, I think it’s more about like where they are financially. Like a restaurant doesn’t do a service contract, they do break fix because they don’t know, you know, 0:43:49 they, they might put off fixing a TV until New Year’s Eve because they’re gonna make a ton of money New Year’s Eve and, you know. Right. Right. It’s might be better for them to, to wait and let the problems mount and then be like, all right, let’s get someone out here for a couple days to fix all this stuff so we can Right. 0:44:05 Make our best New Year’s Eve yet. And then, whereas a corporate client is like, they’ve already prepaid for this support. So I figured out how to do that really easily for the prepaid support with my, I’m starting to enter in all my service contracts just started like 45 minutes before this call. And then I already figured out how to set up the help desk with tags where I can tag all the different clients. 0:44:30 ’cause it’s the case. It’s not like, you know, one guy is gonna have some tickets that are covered by a service contract and some that are, it’s just like company by company. So I figured that much out. But what I haven’t figured out quite yet is how do I, and I think we’re almost there, but as if I go to the help desk, 0:44:57 I want to click on that. Oh, and where’s that schedule remediation button? Is that hitting? ’cause my window’s too small now. See now I don’t even know where that went. Or maybe that was just, we did that over here. I think. ’cause we set this up, you know, a little bit. No, that’s field service. 0:45:18 I want help desk. Yeah. I think this is that. Yeah. Plan intervention. I think it was what it was scheduled for remediation, whatever. So, so this creates, this a field service, which is great. It’s kind of what I want, but it’s not that simple. It’s does this client have a, has it been tagged with the service contract? 0:45:45 Right. Do they pay already? Right. Are they entitled to the maintenance or do they need to pay first? If they need to pay first, then they can go through the process of, you know, basically buying a field service in the e-commerce and then processing that through. So ideally I would want the ability to go, you know, send message and then just kind of throw a quote in there somehow. 0:46:08 The best way to do that is, and if it’s not, if it’s not paid, then no action is taken. If it is paid, then ideally we can notify or see that it’s associated with this ticket or something. And then I can say, oh look, I’ve got three, three people paid for their, their, their services today. I need to schedule, 0:46:34 I need to plan the interventions. And then I know that because they paid for the four hour service call, I can plan an intervention. It’s going to basically put that on the books, potentially automatically. Or it’s going populate that four hours in there so that we have some sense of did they, ’cause they can buy the, like the two hour remote support, 0:46:53 they can buy the four hour onsite inter support technician. Which one do they buy? Let’s put it in the, let’s let’s put it as like an unfulfilled task and field service. Right. Even if it’s remote, it could still be a filled service. Right. Right. And then they could ideally see, I assume all the pieces will come together, 0:47:12 but they could ideally see, oh, here’s my, here’s my, I spent the money here, I I I order the, it spent the money and here’s how much of it I’ve used. Yeah. And then ideally it’s also in the ticket to maybe it’s says, yeah, here’s, here’s the thing that you bought. And then the stage has moved from. 0:47:32 And I, and I guess it would depend if you’re a, if, if you are a subscriber to the services, then you don’t even need to care about this. But if you aren’t, then there’s another stage that you need to be into, which is like, you know, quote sent, I guess for lack of better words, so that they would be able to see. 0:47:52 ’cause I, I mean, I’m trying to onboard and Do so real quick. Yeah. Go, just, just frame a reference. Go back to this D-F-G-D-G-F on your, on your left hand screen in, in the tickets. I think that’s actually on, yeah, this one. Yeah. All right. So bump it over to like in progress or on hold. 0:48:16 Yeah. I just want to verify that, that what we’re, and then refresh on the right hand side and make sure that that’s staged. Yeah. Okay. That stage that’s being seen there. So, you know, you could have a new one come in that when somebody evaluate potentially automatically or manually, depending on which the workflow, you know, warrants new submission has come in there, 0:48:40 is there is no service contract for these people. The next stage that it’s gonna bump them to, because there is no service contract is a quote stage. Exactly, yeah. And ideally an automated message that says, hi, a technician or, or someone will be with you to answer any questions, here’s a link to our service offerings, let us know if, 0:49:02 if you have the things Right. And, and so they go, oh yeah, okay. Now how likely is it that they’re gonna know how many hours they need? Or is it going to be a question of like, here’s an evaluation or here’s, as they’re looking at the options, here’s how you evaluate. Do you need onsite? Do you, 0:49:23 you know, is there someone there to, yeah, You’d be able to Evaluate tv, do this, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. Or is there not, you need us to come on site? Like how are you presenting in your mind? How are you presenting their evaluation as a new customer or as a non experience customer who’s certainly not buying, 0:49:40 who hasn’t had bought a contract before, whether or not they need to buy a contract by an onsite by 20 hours or by four hours or by two hours of remote support. Yeah, I Think That’s, you communicate that It’s, they have like the option to buy like 20 hours, which is gonna not be a new customer. They’re gonna be like, 0:50:01 oh, I need to, you know, I, you know, my, my Memphis store just called and they said the SPL said that they’re out of hours. I gotta buy more hours, you know? Right. Let’s see, did we do, did we sell enough foo yesterday to afford this kind of thing? And then you’ve got the four hour, 0:50:14 which is our minimum. So if you have an issue and you want someone to be physically deployed, you have to pay for four hours. You know, ideally you’re, ideally you’re just putting a credit card down, right. And we, we, we, we process the transaction and then someone shows up in a, in a day or two to just evaluate and see what’s going on. 0:50:34 And then the most, the most likely option is that you just like, thanks for the automated message. Here’s my issue, please help me. And then Right, you then, then we have, but we just hired somebody on to, because we’ve, we’ve had a lot of turnover on the, on the, on this position because the, the people who are assigned to the, 0:50:57 the people who are hired to the role are technical and they’re like, I don’t wanna do this forever. I wanna get in the field. I wanna start right. Get my feet. We with that. So I basically need to build a system to allow an employee who doesn’t have any technical aspirations to, to, to be able to take action on the ticket. 0:51:16 Not just simply because I want to hire somebody who doesn’t know what they’re doing, but just because, like, I want a, I want a long-term relationship with the client from that service person. And I don’t want them to feel like they don’t understand what’s happening. So I am gonna just say, well, here’s our options. You didn’t sign up for the service plan. 0:51:36 So, you know, I think in this case, you know, I talked to my service advisor and they said that you’ll need an onsite intervention. So can you go and purchase that? Or can I help walk you through that? Right. It’s not so much of a, it’s not so much of a question as to which one do I need. 0:51:53 It’s like, well, you probably just at the very least, need the cheapest one to be able to move to the next step. Yeah. So that, oh, and then there is one more second layer problem with that one. Oh shoot, I just had it in my brain and I forgot it. I think I wrote it down in here. 0:52:09 Oh yes. The notifications for Slack, and this is probably a ticket I owed odu, but I’m waiting for the other one to go through. I guess just one thing at a time. But we tried our very best to set it up and we tried, it’s called the stupid trigger. Now it doesn’t work. Incoming message does not work. And I don’t know if there’s a way around that, 0:52:41 but basically we, we can match any other event, but, and maybe there’s another like way around this, but I want a Slack message when an activity happens. That’s, that’s just how we operate. We use Slack and everything. So if someone emails or if they use this little portal to say, you know, it it not work, blah, 0:53:08 blah, blah, that’s a slack. It goes like that. And ideally within the minute I get a Slack message on the channel, and then anyone who’s, well see, I already got the email on my phone. It sees the email like whatever obscene rate I have at scraping the IMAP on that Gmail account, but it doesn’t do it and I just need it to do it. 0:53:30 So that needs to happen. And I Can tell you. Okay, so, so some that, let, let me see if I’m, describe this and, and which what I’m getting it right, there’s a channel where requests for support come in. Yeah. A bunch of users are on that Slack channel, Right? Yeah. It’s just this, where is it? 0:53:49 It’s just like, I think it’s probably gonna be pretty dead because once we stopped the HubSpot thing Yeah. It’s like, oops, it’s still in there and stuff is still kind of coming in HubSpot last few days. But you know, it’s, this is how it worked for HubSpot. It’s just, I can see what they have said and then I can personally, 0:54:17 I can just make sure that there’s no fires basically. And then also it’s a lot easier to get a mobile notification on, on Slack. Oh yeah. So we’re not using this as a direct inter integration. It’s just literally like It’s incoming only. Yeah. It’s not, it’s not a conversation back and forth. It’s not a help desk, it’s a incoming notification and a validation. 0:54:39 Like, okay, this is not a current client with a major problem that needs to be called right now. Because, because I, I, I oversee that kind of thing with our, you know, major, major issues. And I also have Slack channels that are pulling in information from automated alert systems so that as in my role, that I can just push people in the right direction. 0:55:04 I know, you know, in my mind that this person’s doing this, this person’s doing this. And same with, with my colleagues at my level is that we go, oh, looks like, looks like this one’s important. I know a sales guy’s trying to close a big thing with them, kind of thing like that. Right. And also for the employees who are in the field that they don’t necessarily have access to or care about it, 0:55:28 but they can at least see like, oh look, there’s tickets coming in. Like they can just start mentally preparing and they can say, oh, look at that. That’s at this site. I know this is the, this is, this has gotta be, I know the answer even just from the first half of the sentence. Yep. They say, 0:55:40 you know, our plane r this and that isn’t working. It’s like, oh, damnit, I remembered I, when I was there last week, I, I must not have plugged in the rack again. Or something like that, you know? Right. Like, it, it leads to a lot of stuff happening. So I need, like, 0:55:53 I need a blurb of the message I need, I need it to work. And I don’t like, you know, my impression is that ODU is priced the way it is because it’s, it’s kind of like, you know, you kind of have to do the last mile. So I’m okay with that. I’m not just gonna sit here waiting for them to respond to my first ticket so I can send the second ticket so I can wait from ’em to respond to that. 0:56:13 I just wanna fix it somehow. Right, right. Whatever it takes. So I don’t know if you guys have development in-house or you have a, a primary development firm that you work with, but that’s probably where the spoil point number three is gonna end up because it’s Not Yeah, it, it, it probably, probably is. I mean, there’s, 0:56:32 there’s the first thing’s gonna be figuring out why the action’s not tri triggering. What, what is it that, that this is doing, you know, there on the right that’s not triggering that on the left. And is it simply that we’re misunderstanding what that trigger is really supposed to be doing? You know, is that on incoming message? Not even though it sounds like incoming message. 0:56:57 Yeah. You know what, what’s watching for, to figure out what it’s, it is obviously not watching for what we needed to watch for. And then okay, from there, now what are our steps? But it doesn’t, I mean, I, I was hoping we, we weren’t triggering going the other direction. Like, here’s, this happened in Slack and we need to watch and monitor Slack all the time for this thing to happen so that we trigger du now we’re, 0:57:25 we’re triggering out of from du out of du into this. So we get a slack message that that’s, that should be not a problem. Yeah. And this was, this, this would’ve almost worked, except for the next step here, I would’ve assumed was not trying to figure out why it doesn’t work, but I would assume the next step would’ve just been how do I not just say something happened, 0:57:49 but scrape what happened and stick it into the web hook? Yeah. Or whatever. But at this point, it’s not even that, it’s not even that close. It’s like this happens, or this, this nominally happens, but it doesn’t actually happen in the application and I can’t figure out why. Okay. And just to give you a sense with, 0:58:09 you know, whether it’s ’cause, ’cause this is the kind of stuff you can’t even debug in the web version. ’cause the web version is just like, you don’t get access to it unless you’re using that like odu sh thing. Right. Which is probably where you guys work a lot of the time. You know, you could try to make this, 0:58:28 you could probably try to recreate this problem. And then same thing with the, with the, with the open ID logins. You know, you could, you could have, you guys have your own instance. I assume it’s just dedicated to tinkering and, you know, you could try to recreate it. But what, where I could come in is to implement anything and I can give some, 0:58:48 some level of access, whereas necessary, obviously a frontend log into odu of course. But even if you want to see logs and things like that, that’s possible as well. Right. But I think my, my main hope with this last bullet point is, is just simply offloading, offloading busy work, which is like to somebody who deals with ODU every single day, 0:59:11 versus someone like me who’s just like, I don’t, I hate Python. I don’t understand why people use it. And I’m like just trying, like I’m already, I’m already checked out before I even look At it. Yeah. You’re like, yeah, no, I don’t want to think about it. Yeah. So I just, ’cause I need to get on with my things. 0:59:31 And this one I just feel like I can be an asset in terms of like, here, you know, you need to, ’cause we have a, we have a container that we use to deploy odu. So if you are like, you know what, here’s the code. Here’s a, here’s an add-on folder, you need to add this pip whatever, 0:59:48 pip this, pip that to that thing. And this is, this is what the developer said. It’s like, okay, I can do that, but, but I’m not, and I’m not interested in sitting in front of this thing and clicking, you know, send web hook, send web hook. So you may very well need to set up like to, 1:00:04 to, to execute this to the level that I’m hoping is, you know, set up a little test slack of your own or whatever and Right. Set up your own instance. Either it’s either tell me, Hey Mark, I, this has gotta be your environment because this works right off the bat for me. Or say it looks like this isn’t working and we’re gonna have to develop a workaround for it. 1:00:21 Right. And then I can, you know, come in and edit the, the docker file of mine and implement whatever changes. And it could well be, I, I mean the speaking of the open ID thing, like I found that’s is that isn’t in GitLab. I think they got the, the container in here. I think I got the thing in here. 1:00:44 So I have this stuff and I can send this to you and you can send it to whoever the developer is. So they could at least look at these two custom add-ons that I sourced and see if that could, I mean, it may be with the login, it could have something to do with it. ’cause this is, that’s what this is, 1:00:59 it’s like a login plugin. But you know, that’s, that’s the first thing that, that ODU is gonna be like, oh, well you have custom, custom crap. And I’m like, of Course we did. Yeah. Yeah. And it’s of course we login. It’s a login. It has nothing to do with the email. Right, Right. 1:01:19 So Yeah. So if, if I back up Yeah, you want when, when, when this ticket comes in. Yeah. Where all do you want a notification happening? Because one of the things that I always look for in a scenario like this is, wait a minute, but couldn’t we trigger or off trigger it off of this thing? Because if we were to think about it in a chain, 1:01:49 it is like the ticket comes in and this gets notified and this gets notified. A gets notified, B gets notified, C gets notified, and we want a notification in D. Alright, great. A is not for, for whatever reason the ticket is not triggering D, but wait a minute. Yeah. And if a, if a’s getting triggered and B’s getting triggered and C’s getting triggered without any problem at all, 1:02:11 could we use A, B or C to trigger D instead? And I thought about that. So I was ready to, to set up, well, why can’t I just trigger Slack based on incoming emails? And that does work, except this is not an incoming email when I do that never went through SMTP. It just, it just landed it right on ODS database. 1:02:37 So it doesn’t actually, that’s the why I need to use ODU somewhere. Maybe it’s not gonna be the on incoming message automation. Right? It could be, it could be something else. But, But question, do you get an email? Yeah. As a result of that happening, I get, I get an email on my personal saying, I mean, 1:03:02 and it, in addition to just showing up, I get an email to the client that says, here you, we registered your thing. Which honestly, I don’t even need to get that email, but I’m not complaining about that. Right. Let’s, let’s reverse that though. Let’s say let’s, let’s say you are the technician. You’re, you’re the SPL technician that gets notified that oh yeah, 1:03:24 a new ticket’s being cre been created on the website. You’re the, you’re the help desk technician. Okay. Are you gonna get an email, ah, the ticket was created because was the owner? So If I was, if trigger Yeah. Slack off the email outside of, oo, even if this doesn’t work, because guess what, that email probably includes the name, 1:03:51 the person, the content, the, the message. Can we now trigger it one level downstream? Just, I’m just throwing that as, as an option in the scenario. Instead of all of them being triggered by OO directly, can we make that one downstream of an email that is going an email event that is going to occur? Yeah. If, 1:04:13 if, if there’s a way to send them all also to a specific email inbox, like notifications, ads All notifica, all tickets get sent to this user. Yeah, it would, it would work. So that would be a potential solution. But honestly I think, you know, whatever the solution is, if we can do it without creating additional infrastructure and external dependencies and kind of trying to figure out, 1:04:40 is this a bug ODU or is this like Cor? Correct. Yeah. I just, it’s not something that could be fixed. I’m always looking at Yeah, yeah. Goal and going all right, we can, we can spend a lot of time figuring out how to get there this way, but if it is just a bug, we could spend a bunch of development time or we could build a fix and watch and see if, 1:05:00 you know, in the next six months, like, oh look, that thing suddenly works now. Like I wouldn’t end up spending money on it. O you know, other than providing a a, a Yes, an extra dependency, but a fairly reliable one. Reliable one. We got a Slack notification about an email. Yeah. That’s, that’s probably what we want is I just need to make, 1:05:20 I just need to make the Slack notifications work and then I’m close enough. I feel like, okay, so that, but that, so, so I think it’d be good just to recap, because I, I think everything I talked about was in that single bullet point. But this one is, this one is, I need, let’s say part one is, 1:05:45 is the technical oddities number one, I’ll write this, I’m just gonna put this in an email. Yep. I this one’s more complicated. So let’s see, it’s number one was Slack notifications on customer help desk activity. Yep. Number two. Or let’s say 1.1, 1.2. Just a quick question on that, that one though. Yeah. Do you only want the first message in a ticket? 1:06:26 No. Every, you want all, all interactions, every just, just customer side, just external. I want every breath, everything that come, you know, everything that comes out of the customer’s mouth is just a little blurb, you know, it’s like Yep. Yep. The first 140 characters of their message. Okay. 1.2 was separate login for present more and SPL related things. 1:07:03 Let me look at the message I sent before. And then, you know, at least the where is the style sheet or these, or branding Yeah. Tickets. Yeah. And how do we make it red? Okay. So one is the technical stuff and then two is the business stuff, which is how do I, I guess auto associate C eight tag if they have prepaid support maybe. 1:07:56 And I don’t know if the, thank you. I always love it when vendors send physical copies of invoices and stuff. The one that spans between these would’ve been the, I was just thinking about it. The, oh, if I’m a contact, contact tickets for the same company are viewable by everybody from the company, by other contacts at that same company for all tickets no matter what that’s Like. 1:08:38 And that just, that just means basically every user in the company that has access to a portal login is going to see all the tickets for that company. Exactly. Okay. And make sure that I’ve boil that down. And we’re, we’re, because at the end of the day, it’s not, Hey, I wanna associate randomly someone who sends an email into a particular ticket. 1:09:05 No, they need to see all if, if somebody at their company created a ticket and they log in five seconds later, they need to see that ticket in Airport. Yeah. And they would And it would be basically based on the DU database. Yeah. Not necessarily like their email address, because They’re, they’re under that company. They, they, 1:09:25 yeah. They’re under, they in du they’re under the company. Therefore, when they log in, they see all the tickets for the company. Yeah. And then if I have everybody, I have a, if, if someone new joins our client’s company, then I’ll have somebody who has to go through there and say, oh look, you’re associated with this company. 1:09:41 ’cause a lot of times they’re gonna be for, for hospitality, they’re gonna [email protected]. They’re gonna be, you know, we hired Joe Schmo to do the, the, to help us out here. And they don’t give ’em an email. They don’t have an email server. Right. So it’s all just, it’s, it’s, you know, [email protected] and [email protected] 1:10:01 and that’s the company. Yeah. So other, I don’t want [email protected] to be, look, I can see all the Google tickets. Sure, sure. No, it’s gonna be, it’s gonna be associated with through the, the company. They’re a company contact in that company, therefore they see the tickets for the company. Okay. And then 2.2 0.1 1:10:21 was how do I associate the tag if they have prepaid support? It doesn’t, it doesn’t have to be a tag. I could just say, how do I associate, if they have prepaid support, if no support prepaid, they can buy the support and receive an automated message to nudge them to do so. And I mean, this is, this is probably, 1:10:54 this might be diminishing returns here, but the ability of us to, when you per, when you buy that support, it’s like, oh, you are, I mean, if it’s just the latest ticket that if you have a got a ticket and you order them by date, and it’s the latest one, you just associate with that, that way we can, 1:11:15 that way we can push it. Once a service purchase comes through the e-commerce, at the very least, we can take one ticket from quote phase and push it into actionable phase. Money has been provided phase because that would help us not spend so many hours of, they say, well, if, if, you know, if the technician gets there and, 1:11:42 you know, the north and south hemispheres are reversed and it’s actually a snowstorm in July, and they, there’s car gets stuck with the clock start, you know, they ask the dumbest questions. So I just want it to be like, the business case is basically you have to pay for support. If you pay for it and you don’t want it, 1:12:05 we can, we can refund you. Right. But I don’t, you know, we don’t necessarily, you know, you had the opportunity when we installed the system to pay a bunch of money to have US support. We’re actually helping those folks right now get in line please. Is the, the, the, the message, honestly, because I mean, 1:12:20 I literally make 1% of my service revenue from break fix, and I spend 80% of the time last year on it. So it’s not, it’s not happening anymore. Right. And I just hire Someone. So, so that’s more about giving visibility to that person who purchased some purchase time. Yeah. That your, almost like the, I call it your estimated wait time is and, 1:12:51 and not so much, hey, you aren’t important, but you don’t have a service contract. And at, you know, and, and so what we’re doing is saying, giving them a, setting an expectation. That’s what I’m Exactly. We’re setting an expectation of a timeline. Yeah. That is legitimate based upon your scope of how many projects are going right now. 1:13:18 And du knows how many projects are going right now. So an expectation where the customer goes, oh, great, they’re gonna be in contact with me in the next two business days. Not I’m gonna get an answer in an hour and somebody’s gonna be out here in four hours when they, this is a break fix. And you all don’t, you know, 1:13:39 That’s, and this was a really good point that you just made too, is that, and again, I say this could be diminishing returns, but at least wanna put it out there, and I’m gonna write this down, see if no p presa support, they can buy the support and receive an automated message for them to do so. And if they do buy it, 1:13:57 it progresses a ticket they have opened into, you know, a new stage. A new stage. Yeah, A new stage. And I would say ideally, if, and I don’t know exactly, we, I would have to be convinced how well, or if at all ODU is saying, okay, I have this random person just emailed in, like with HubSpot, 1:14:32 if I email in something, [email protected], it’s like bottom bang, bottom boom, it like associates it with the right company, it somehow finds your title on LinkedIn. Probably it puts in your phone number because it was in your signature. I don’t think that ODU has that capability, but is it the case that in odu, I already have the capability If, 1:14:56 if I mail emailing Joe [email protected] and I have a customer that is domain.com, is it like just shoehorning them in there? Or am I having them manually associate them? Because if it does put them with the company, then we can say, Hey, does this company have the service plan? Right. In in other words, does this company have Ongoing, 1:15:17 ongoing project At the same company that frankly he, that may be a new, new user, new new hire at the company, they may not know they have a support contract. Exactly. They may be going, somebody said, reach out to SBL Be because I don’t really want to Be, so I got on their website and I’m blah, blah, 1:15:35 blah, blah, blah, kicking off an email to sbl L because I got this issue. And I don’t know if I’ve got a contract. I don’t, I don’t know any of that. They’re supposed to know if I’ve got a contract, right? Yeah. That’s their job. So the the answer is maybe, I mean, again, so if, 1:15:52 if, if I can’t figure that out, then this, this problem, well, I’ll just, I’ll just take this down. Ideally, if we can know for sure that new random people ing [email protected] are associated with a company, then we can just go ahead and automate this. If not, then I need a human. ’cause I don’t want to send, 1:16:31 if I get an email from humpty [email protected] and we don’t know who that person is, I’m gonna, and, and, and, and ODU isn’t reliably determining who domain XY Z is, and if or if not, they have a service contract, then I just need a human to look at that and say, this is a stage, stage one is new rando, 1:16:54 right? Stage two is new known person. So it, when you get a ticket and it goes into new rando, and then it’s like, do I know this person if so new? And then if it goes in a new, then it says, do they have service contract? If so, boom moves to ready for action. If not, it moves it to ready, 1:17:13 ready for quote or quoting stage. But if we can’t figure out who they are, it just stays in new rando until someone goes in there and, you know, manually associates them with that. That way I don’t have one only biggest customer, they just hire a new employee at their new site and they submit a ticket and then they go in and says, 1:17:34 oh, well look at that four 50 bucks to get this issue fixed. Man, that sounds like a good deal. All right, let’s buy that. And then I get an angry call of you guys trying to rip us off. We pay for service and you know, you’re just charging us four I, my, my new hire, just put an expense on the thing. 1:17:50 And it’s like, what do you, what kind of shit are you pulling here? So like, I don’t want that happening. So if we can’t do that, then I’m just saying a caveat. If I can’t, if a human sorts it, yeah. If, if I can’t do it automatically, I’m fine with the human sorting it. I don’t need to automate that step. 1:18:04 But I do need to automate is I need to make it look to the customer as if something is automatically happening. Therefore, they don’t feel like they’re being asked by a human to pay money. They feel like the system has told them they need to pay money. And the system must be very nice because, you know, like if you call someone and you get a, 1:18:24 and if a human said you’re, if you got like a human says, Hey, hey there, can I put you on hold for a second? You’re like, oh, these guys are understaffed. What if you get, if you go your estimated wait time is, this is like, I hate robots, but it’s the system. You know, I, 1:18:39 I always feel like I don’t like our customers when they, or like, especially the really needing ones. They come to us and they’re like, can I do this? And then a human tells them, you have to pay. But somehow I just know if a if a robot tells them it’s time to pay for the support, at the very least my support person can be the good cop. 1:19:03 Right? And they can say, oh, that’s just an automated message. Yeah, we typically sell the service. But I understand, you know, you have some questions, let’s get to that. And then now it’s not like a constant battle. So I, I wanna keep that in mind. But that being said, I can still have a human filter. 1:19:20 I have a human in the line that says, is this random person who just joined associated with service contract? Are they not, are they gonna be break fix? If so, we just put ’em in the loop of that. And then at least I know if I don’t ever have to ask or go like, tab over from my service contracts over to sales and look for, 1:19:44 oh, what was their name? You know, okay, this one company, you know, blah, blah, blah. And then go over here and then search for that and be like, oh yeah, did they, did they pay for that? It’s just like, help desk ticket. Looks like they haven’t paid for the support remediation or whatever it’s called yet. 1:20:02 Okay. So that’s, that’s how I want it to operate. That is also Probably on a 22 mile plane. Our display. Yeah. What is that 22 Mile? I’m just saying as long as y’all are installing those, you know, Timing 22 miles long. Yeah. Yeah. I’m not sure what that means, but, you know, the way the system works is great. 1:20:28 It’s just that, like I said before with the, with the project planning, I’ve got my sales quote, I can go buy a four hour ’cause I did it. I went in here and I said, I told them, okay, if you need to sell them a service quote, I think it was like, whoop, there, there you go. 1:20:47 Boom. Send by email. Right? And we hooked it up, credit card stripe, boom, boom, boom, it works. But then I have the, the ticket over here. That thing gets paid. What happened? It just, it gets paid. And then where does it create an action item for me? No, it doesn’t do anything. 1:21:05 So I need to take that sale of the quote. I need to take that ticket that I love. Both of these things. I need to put, I need to overlap the, the mer the Venn diagram to say, you know, service call quote is inextricably linked to ticket. And at the very minimum That may, so, so this, this piece that may be doing that is we actually may want to have something in y’all’s ticket system that says generate quote. 1:21:33 Exactly. Yeah. The first thing it is, it generates a quote, pulls all the data information because we don’t need, you know, customer blank invoice, you know, all that blank. We need all of that pre-filled because they already submitted a ticket. We already know who they’re, and now we tied the ticket to the quote. And when, 1:21:50 when someone says, all right, and they pay the, the, the quote off, now, okay, that ticket gets moved to this new stage, which is the magical stage. Like, Hey, we actually wanna schedule something. We actually wanna talk to this person. We, you know, because they paid money and maybe based, now do you all have Unbreak fix? 1:22:17 Just ’cause I’m asking ’cause I know different places do, do you all have like, Hey, here’s a priority break fix price because you feel like you are very important, not enough, not important enough to actually buy a service contract. But you’re important enough that you will pay X dollars more to get a call X amount sooner. Yeah, I’d love to offer that because I know at the very minimum, 1:22:43 we’re going to have to offer two. So we already have to handle the case of, is it the two hour remote or is it the four hour onsite? So if they’ve got a web store and you go there, I, I would like to see, you know, a, if I have a ticket already, I should be offered. And we, 1:23:04 we, we mentioned this, like if if it’s identified that I don’t have the service contract, I should be offered right up away just like, you know, an upsell across all kind of thing. Yeah. I should just be offered, here’s a page to go to. Or you know, he go, ’cause it’s, it’s literally the next one down or two, 1:23:21 two more down. It’s the shop. Yep. And oh, this is, this is interesting ’cause I created a second shop with these two categories. So we’ll have to figure out how to make those go away so that only categories that have products on that specific page are there. But basically I go here and I’m like, oh, look at that. 1:23:40 Or I could even just have this be a custom page with links to each one. So I have a description of this one and a link to go to the product page. A description of this one. I don’t even give them the the shop, right. I just give ’em pages and I go do that. And then the system is like, oh, 1:23:54 lookie here. Mark bought this thing and Mark has one ticket in the ready for quote phase, or he has two for whatever reason. Let’s apply it to the top, to the, to the most recent one, just, just for simplicity sake. That way when I go back to my ticket, it goes instead of on hold or whatever it’s saying, 1:24:16 it says boom, boom. And then, oh, by the way, on transition from ready for quote to whatever we call it, the next stage, it’s okay, email automatically gets sent out. First of all, they of course they’re gonna get the, the receipt for their payment, right. Because that’s just how life is. You gotta submit it for reimbursement or whatever. 1:24:36 And then second thing is you get an email that says, thank you. We have received your payment for this. Someone will be with you in, you know, within a few business hours to schedule the intervention or whatever it is what we’re calling it. Yeah. Ba based upon the fact that you chose the normal support Yeah. Device. Yep. You expect, 1:24:59 you know, a, a technician to be reaching out to you in, or, or expect a representative to be reaching to you at reaching out to you in this amount of time, in this window. Yes. And this is all, and Then, oh, you bought the priority break fix support, you know, that literally is just padding the dollars because you, 1:25:17 you said, I’m so important. I need you to call me really, really, really fast. So I spent double the same amount, same money for the same hours because I am really important and I want to be called right now. Yeah. Then, then that’s, you know, your priority support, you should expect your phone to ring in this amount of time because you, 1:25:38 you paid double for the same thing. I mean, in, in the long term, and I’m not saying I could do this right now, but I could literally, I could just have that ring my support person’s phone and it’s just now connecting, you know, that’s, that’s how like, that’s How We can build a system to a larger system that does more things for us. 1:25:54 But Right now and now it makes you more money. Yeah, Exactly. It because Somebody said, oh, I’m really important or this, this my, my fact that my laptop can’t put out the right resolution for my projector is uber important and I will spend for four hours of onsite at a priority because I don’t care what money costs, you know? 1:26:16 Yeah. Some people don’t. So that’s, that’s a really good, that’s a really good goal is just because I, I think to keep in mind is like, I want there to be a system. It is, right now, there’s a lot of stuff in the support realm that we need to work on. It’s, it’s, it’s our, it’s our youngest department. 1:26:35 It has the least defined procedures, but the, the biggest bottleneck has always been making, making a system out of it and making accountability out of it. Right. So I think this is, this is all good and this is gonna be the, the biggest task to chew off, especially with the technical things in there, which definitely those, those technical points are by far the most important because maybe aside from like making the style sheet red, 1:26:59 it’s like if they can’t log into the portal, even right now, no matter what we do, it’s not gonna work because they’re gonna try to type in their, how, how are they supposed to know that you have to go to the identity provider to type in their email address? They’re just gonna type it in, right? So we fix that. 1:27:14 I’ll, before I go, I’ll show you this. This is HubSpot. This is kind of again what, not what I’m trying to emulate, but we were used to, here’s a ticket, here’s a deal associated. So, so, you know, Mitch would go, oh, look at this. Great. You left your window open and now everything doesn’t work. 1:27:31 So we need to schedule a service call. So we have a deal, which is HubSpot’s like money thing. And then deals have quotes, but it’s all inextricably linked. There’s a, there’s a line, right? I would look at, I, oh, I think it’s line items is what it’s deal click. I dunno. But basically it made it, 1:27:58 it made it a financial transaction. And then, oh, this is great. Goes into the invoice. In this case it was using QuickBooks, but it put an invoice in QuickBooks. That way when the credit card payment came through from the HubSpot Stripe integration, there’s already an invoice posted and it says the same dollar value and it all matched up. So this is, 1:28:18 this is great. And it is, I don’t know why us, you know, like $0 is fully paid and this one is overdue, but they probably actually haven’t paid because they never pay. But, but as long as they, as long as they have the invoice there, at least in six months from now, we can go and chase them. 1:28:37 Versus I, on one hand, I don’t want them to buy the service and not get the service. On the other hand, I don’t want to give them the service and not recognize, Make sure that you go back and, and can, can track them down as to why they, they didn’t pay. Yeah. It’s like simply because the two weren’t associated with One another. 1:28:55 Yeah, exactly. ’cause in the end, I’m really leaning on that. I’m gonna look at it, it’s like the invoice for $11,132. I have no way to tell them what this was for. So I guess I’m just gonna eat that. Right? Right. And I don’t wanna eat $11,000, but stranger things have happened. It takes, you know, 1:29:13 a day of, of me and like a business owner to go through like the, the, all the locked invoices and try to parse together, well what did we buy during this period? What could possibly be exactly this dollar value? It’s very, very frustrating Yeah. To deal with all that. Especially because the HubSpot integration was not the gold standard. 1:29:32 This was still subpar because you were creating quotes in HubSpot and then they were linking two invoices in there. And that I know is we’re trying to lower the number of tools we’re using and we’re already, right. We’re already getting there, but we’re phasing HubSpot out. We’re phasing Airtable out. But I don’t think I can phase out QuickBooks just yet. So that’ll be the next hurdle. 1:29:53 But I’m not even putting that bullet point down because it’s just too, So Too far out. Sorry that, that leads me to a question. If there’s an e-commerce thing happening, is there something we have to connect to and generate in QuickBooks for that to all reconcile when we get over to accounting? That’s gonna be a, a whole, that’s gonna be the next thing. 1:30:28 So the, the goal, I’d say at this point, the 18 month goal is accounting happens in du so I don’t wanna spend too much time, but I think there are some commercially available things that can at least post invoices from DU into QuickBooks, which should be extremely handy because we would have, and bills, ’cause we’re starting to get a little pile up of things that du really, 1:30:55 really wants us to invoice. For instance, like when I started doing these subscriptions, oh, you know, I think I created an invoice for this just to, just to feel the waters. And I was like, I created invoice. It’s like, oh great. Oh, now it wants me to re register a payment. It’s like, oh God. 1:31:11 Okay. So now I’ve just, you know, I was trying to like, I was trying to delete the, the dependency on the invoice and now I’ve just kicked the canor. ’cause this wants to be your business. This wants to be right. Right. You post an invoice, it goes on your, it creates a journal entry on your books and you know, 1:31:28 you can do this and that and, and then you register the payment and then, and then you know, the world is complete. And it’s like, that’s not happening in the next, that’s not happening for at minimum 18 months. ’cause I got everybody in this, this department bought into this software, but I gotta buy 20 more licenses and get the accountant on board to ditch QuickBooks and learn something that is 70 times less automated to, 1:31:57 but that’s where this is all headed. Is that right? You can’t, you can’t use QuickBooks to run all the business. I mean, I’m sure if you’re like selling books online or something, you can, you can churn through $50 million of books in a year and not even wonder. But when you’re lo when you’re talking about a business with, with two major verticals and two departments that are codependent on other departments and analyzing the accounting and understanding, 1:32:28 you know, why, where the money comes and where the money goes is like, we’ll need this eventually. So I don’t want to go and reinvent the wheel and make a bunch of customizations to integrate with QuickBooks when in the end we’re just gonna use this. And I also don’t want to litter our database with invoices so that when we do start using this, 1:32:49 we’ll have to go through the database and comb through 10,000 invoices that actually shouldn’t be posting in previous years. So that I don’t have a huge, huge, huge workload. So I’d rather just kind of do this all manually now. But in some sense, if we have an e-commerce aspect, I guess it would be nice to have a one, you know, 1:33:16 if a sale order is confirmed and it’s an e-commerce order, maybe I could generate an, and maybe I could post an invoice in QuickBooks with the same dollar value. That’d be nice. But that’s not part of the scope right now because that’s so easy. I have Yeah. Someone who can do that Manually and Right. And, and you know, again, 1:33:32 I lease, lease difficult path of, of resistance. If, if nothing else, it’s that e-commerce transaction sends an email to the person who’s going to create whatever that invoice thing that you, the accountant needs in order to track that. They’re gonna send an email and that guy go, all right, I got five new invoices to go generate in QuickBooks. 1:33:58 Yep. Or these things. But I know who the customer is and I know that they paid and I know what the amount was and I know all of that because that was in the email. Yep. And that’s how we operate now because they say they’ll do like a random sale on a credit card and it’s like, hey, I didn’t get the email. 1:34:20 I’ve got a, you know, a $526 from 26 cents on Stripe who’s got it and then somebody answers. It’s never been a problem at all. It’s just the volume is not there to make the automation worthwhile. And then Right. If we do need to make it worthwhile, it’s just gonna be a one way street of email gets sent with a list of all the line items and the dollar value of each line item and the quantity of each line item. 1:34:44 So they can go in and, you know, like I’m seeing here and it’s gonna at least give them an indication of what account it could be linked to. So shipping and sale get differentiated. Yeah. Well I’ll send you this and at this point, primarily it’s just does this person have, is this going towards a service contract or is this go, 1:35:03 is this a break fix? Exactly. Yeah. Those are just like, there’s like, there’s two, We have five lines, two products, you know, or Yeah, We have five lines in our entire QuickBooks for the entire department, product sale, installation service, and then the four hour break fix, the two hour break fix service contract. Right. 1:35:21 So literally two fifths of our entire product line are two of the things that we’re working on right now. And then the ex the extra applications. Now this is changing because of tax laws and the fact that in new, I have to start, this is gonna be a huge, huge, huge thing because they, you know, in New York, if you sell a thing and you sell labor to install it, 1:35:45 and we have an entity in New York now that labor is taxed, but the labor that is there to fix something that you didn’t sell them, it’s already installed. It’s not taxed. Right. There’s no tangible volume. And then in California, if you sell them the electronics good, you have to pay the disposal on it at the time of point of sale, 1:36:04 except for if it was like not in the qualify. So it’s gonna be a giant nightmare. And we have AVA tax or whatever that’s called. So that’s probably why we need to do all the accounting and odu because the, the, the, the the, the compliance is better. Even though it’s not as automated as QuickBooks. There’s more ability to associate categories versus having to go through 15,000 items and associate an AvaTax with it. 1:36:31 I can associate with a category, right. So we’ll have to get down that road. But that’s, again, that’s, that’s bullet point number four. I’m sending an email to you right now. It’s got bullet 0.1 and two or mutually understood bullet 0.3. I put my clarification on all the items that are part of that I would like to focus on. 1:36:48 Let me remember which one’s which I’d like to focus on numbers one, phase one of the project management and the, the full warehouse bullet point time-wise first and see, you know, presumably I can get a proposal from you and I can ask and Mike if it looks good and we could work together on those. Or at the very least we could decide how to prioritize that and then at least get, 1:37:18 once we kinda get through that, maybe some idea of the service contract stuff, if we can knock out the like CSS crap as part of the, one of the other phases, that’s great. Right. But the stuff the last lowest priority is all the stuff you just talked about for the last 40 minutes, which is related to the tickets because I know it’s going to be, 1:37:46 I don’t have a tick and time bomb on me for that. And I I can, we can brute force it. So let me know I gotta get going here. Yeah. Last question, and this is a short one. The website and, and all that, that is all running, just verifying from previous conversations. That is all running internally in your data center stuff, 1:38:10 but is being made available, you know, through public web ports being open, that sort of thing. So if there is a scenario where certain communication thing is not happening because of firewall or whatever port not open, that’s something you all have the capability to resolve. You’re not relying upon some third party X, Y, Z, whatever. Yeah. We, 1:38:33 or hosting that. We control the, we control the data center and if, if we have the ability to change the DNS and all the ports and everything, and we have CloudFare running as well, so we can, like I did this on the, ’cause everyone’s complaining, oh, why, why do I get this website? So I made a little route. 1:38:50 It says, well if you go to odu it goes directly to the, to the dashboard. So anything like that I can solve at a, at a data center level. Now I don’t have the, I don’t have the ability to give you guys full access to this just because it’s, it’s technically too complicated to describe our entire data center environment. Right. 1:39:08 But the bottom line is yes, we can do any of that, you know, given enough notice. We can Any, just, just so long as, you know, if if the solution, if if we find out, okay all of this works in a cloud environment but it’s not working on-prem, is it? Because we can troubleshoot and figure out okay, 1:39:30 there’s some port that, you know, XY Z’s coming across. It’s just not open. Okay, great. Y’all can, yeah, yeah, we can can that open port 7 24 and everything’s happy now. Yeah. And I think Don’t try and do our TMP without 1935 because you’re gonna be in trouble. Yeah. I think we can handle all that stuff. 1:39:51 Okay. In, in-house here. I just wanna make sure that we Are like ATI IT service provider inside I remember correctly. So we like to, you know, I, I like the fact that just for your information, like I have this set up so that I have an integration that goes through and let’s say I, I just set up Yamaha yesterday. 1:40:15 They make this audio products and they make a thousand of them maybe. And I can just go through without any rate limiting and I have a database that I’ve scraped from our one software that does the quotes of every Yamaha product that we ever have dealt with. And in a matter of one second I can, I can hit a dedicated instance of ODU that’s on the same database and is sharing the same data store but is using completely separate CPUs from the ones that my employees are using. 1:40:49 And I can just scream through a thousand things in less than a second. Meanwhile, I mean you can’t even get the API on the cloud version and the ODU sh is like, I’m going from a database on my site and I’m hitting that and it’s like, I tried it out and it’s just not, it’s, it’s not built for hit. And like, 1:41:11 this is a big thing is like in the time it takes from an employee to go from this tab over here where they have their order and say, you know what, let me just add this Yamaha item here. Boom. Alright, time to import that into odu, it’s done. Versus please wait an hour or more realistically, you know, 15 seconds for these thousand API requests. 1:41:35 So that’s why we do it. So we have the ability to come up with solutions, even if they’re like bad solutions, we could just throw CPUs at it, right. And not worry about cloud bills or anything like that. And also, I have had terrible, terrible luck with the promise of cloud computing. Oh well we can spin up a bunch of servers. 1:41:55 It’s like, well except for if we’re outta capacity and you haven’t bought your reserve capacity. It’s like, well you can’t spin up a server, you’re gonna have to spin it up in California and you’re gonna have to hit your database. You’re gonna have to have your web app in California and you have your database over here. ’cause there’s no more database resources in California. 1:42:13 Those are all on in now you’ve got, That never happens in the cloud environment. What are you talking about? Yeah, no, that’s, that was my hell more recently because I have thing that I was like, I bought the reservation but I didn’t buy any extra. ’cause why would you buy extra? Well, because, you know, why, 1:42:35 why bother using cloud if you just have to buy reservation for resources you’re not using? That’s the whole point. Yeah. So I’m, it’s Supposed to be scalable. It’s, it’s scalable until covid and then everybody starts abusing websites like crazy and then data centers start, or, you know, cloud services really started like locking down and they start increasing the rates. 1:42:57 And I’m like looking at the, an application that has not changed, that the configuration has not changed $125 a month in 2019 and now I got the bill was like $500. And I’m not saying like it’s not getting more traffic and using more resources. It’s literally the same thing. I’m like, and then I can’t, then I, I, I roll out a new version, 1:43:20 I can’t spit it up. What the hell? Like that’s not working for me. So that’s why we do what we do. I know it’s more difficult, but it’s like there’s a reason Yeah. Cost of money Changed. Yeah. And when you’re talking the scale of Google and Microsoft and, and Amazon cost of money is a real thing because 4% versus 0.25 1:43:47 is a big jump. Yeah. And we have, we have some 0.25 money right now and it’s great because we locked it in, but we’ll, we’ll definitely be raising our rates from 1 25 to 500 an hour when we want, you know, if I, especially if I can’t, if I still can’t find employees to do physical work because, you know, 1:44:15 it’s just, it’s just very, very difficult. I’m redoing my house right now and it’s, it’s very expensive. It’s like, yes. Well the best time to do that would’ve been three years ago. Yeah. I could have been, yeah. Could have saved a lot of money, but, and that’s the best time to do is now I Guess complete completely different question. 1:44:32 How far out do you radius, do you all go geographically from, from or for the service and support and install side of things? Stockholm, I think is the, the furthest and Tokyo this year. So we’re pretty much anywhere we can, anywhere we can have permission to work, will work. Okay. But have not been able to get anyone in Hawaii to or anywhere else nice and warm Gotcha. 1:45:06 To bring us over there, I guess Florida. But Florida’s always just a disaster of people screaming and being crazy and we never managed to find a, a job in Florida that actually allows us to enjoy the warmth. Right. Somehow. Yeah. It’s like fly in, do do everything, fly out. Be be gone as soon as humanly possible. All right. 1:45:34 Well I I, I figured that was probably true for the, for the production side. I just wasn’t sure if it was true for the install side. So Yeah. Yeah. They, they, we both in like, they’re in Mexico and next week for something they’re in, they’re in Spain, a couple people go to Spain. So that, that’s for them. 1:45:52 And then I’d say actually the, the installation side is, we’ve done more travel up until now that just mostly just because the, we both departments really picked up. Just the company overall picked up a big time when Covid happened just by happenstance. And you know, with, with that, we were a li we had a little bit of a leg up on the installation side because we weren’t shut down for an additional one or two years. 1:46:24 Right. So we, we got a little leg up, we got out, got out to London when all the, you know, you still had to do five covid tests per trip. We got out to Stockholm. The, the first time we were there for that was a lockdown down. And then the second time was literally the day that they, 1:46:43 and it’s stock home. So everyone is a little bit different in Europe. And like the day, the day that they say the government says there’s restrictions, you know, a mask on nowhere to be found and then, you know, it’s, it’s Europe. So they say no restrictions. And I was like, what they say is what we do. 1:47:04 Okay. We go outside now and like, you know, we go there the, the first time and it’s like everyone’s got their mask on and then the masks come off. And in the United States it’s like, it’s been this like limbo of like right. You know, one, one person going, ah, and then one person going, you are so horrible for doing that. 1:47:23 And then, and then you go there and you’re like, ah, I see the world will return to normal somewhat soon. Yeah. I was in, I was in Albania and then, and then Hungary and ne I mean like all of all of that port part of Europe, it was like covid happened. Yeah. We’re not, we’re not talking about it. 1:47:50 We’re not asking about it. Now if you and I actually caught Covid while I was over there. Now if you, if you have Covid, they’ll be like, yeah, I’m not showing up at anything you’re at, you know? Yeah. As, as far as like even if you don’t feel bad, no, no. Until, until you’re, 1:48:06 you know, but nobody is, no one wearing masks other than if somebody actually like you, physically look like you’re ill, you know, they were mar wearing masks, but outside of that it is like, nope, we’re not sure Covid ever actually happened. I’m like, yeah, I’m pretty sure this is the country that was mandating, you know, 1:48:25 vaccines and masks and if you got on a plane and you landed and you couldn’t prove that you had had a vaccine in or, or a test in the last 11 days, you were sitting in a hotel for 11, you know, all this. It is like, nope. Now it’s like no, we’re, That’s, that’s, that’s exactly what we saw is that they basically told us, 1:48:45 yeah, no, we didn’t do the covid protocols and then they told us to do the covid protocols and we did it and then they said no more. So there is no more. Yeah. And that was know yesterday we had the covid and today we don’t. And it’s wild because we, you know, we went through that and now the events department is, 1:49:01 is really skyrocketing above Right. The amount of work that we’re doing and they’re going everywhere. And it’s great because I think that’s, I mean I, I look at the numbers for like the business and I also look at the industry trends of events 20 20 0. Like, you know, I was just looking at some, some data of like a yearly event and it said, 1:49:25 you know, how many exhibitors, you know, 1900, 1950 0. And then the next year was like 45 and the next year was like 765 and then it was 1800 for this last year. So I was like, okay, so like everyone said, it’s gonna be like a decade before air travel and all this picks up. No, it’s, it’s, it’s 90% at this point. 1:49:47 So we’re, we’re here, we, we travel anywhere and deal with, at this point there’s no restrictions anymore. We deal with it. We deal with whatever you gotta do and, and like whatever, if we’re going to London, they let you work in London. If you’re, you know, a skilled professional person providing service to a customer in Stockholm, 1:50:04 they really don’t care about anything. They’re just like, sounds legit, come on in. You’re not like here forever to displace workers. Right. Cool. Right. And like a couple of our employees have EU passports anyways and then Tokyo is like, Nope, you can come. But so we’ll go and we’ll sit and try to interact with them, try to make, 1:50:29 leave our mark. But it’s very interesting trying to do business globally as a small firm because you’re like not necessarily able, like somehow if I’m sitting here talking to someone in Tokyo, I can do anything with them, but the second I step foot on the the country, it’s like, You know, you, we we expert way more like cloud like what you do, 1:50:53 you can just sit there and work with somebody in Tokyo and know, take someone in Japan’s job away from them and then the second that you go there to help them Yeah. To do their job and to help create work there, then it’s like, it’s very, very bizarre. But we deal with it so Well, we actually got a request to spec out and help a church’s being built down in Texas. 1:51:21 So I may have, we right now on the side and, and du side, we’ve got plenty of, of labor on the physical install side for remote for, for, for destinations and, and other places like that for construction. We really don’t. And so that may be an opportunity, I can kick your all’s way and say, Hey, let us scope it. 1:51:51 Y’all come in on the bid and go install. Oh yeah, Yeah. If you want that, I’ve got a, a contact I could shoot you Nate as handles any sort of sale or partnership deal. And you know, he’s, he’s good at meeting you where you are, like you said that you guys do, and saying, well what, here’s what we can do, 1:52:11 here’s what makes sense. And also like we’re doing a lot of hiring and it’s, it’s excruciating because not a lot of people are available in that role, but we’re, we’re actually having a little bit of success finally. So we do have some capacity to do physical work and we always do. I’m not like farming out stuff ’cause it just doesn’t work. 1:52:32 It’s like I’ve got my best people in the field. They make decisions, they look at things, they think critically about it. And so we’re, we’re very much into like, we’ll figure out any problem and stick with it until it’s done. Make it actually, like if there’s something needs to be installed. If it’s, no matter if it’s like, 1:52:52 I don’t know, I just, I just say this ’cause I’ve hired so many subs that are like, oh well we, you know, we went there and the, you know, the, the, the boxes for the table for the cable cubbies. Yeah. The, there was like a table and it looked like we had to cut a hole in it and you know, 1:53:05 nobody told us we had to cut a hole. It was like, well you were there weren’t you? Yeah. I mean don’t worry, you’re not gonna be charged for, it’s like, that’s not what I care about. Fabulous. Not the fact That you were there and you had the saw and there was a table there and you looked at it like with, 1:53:18 with bug eyes and didn’t do anything about it. So if you ever want, it’s not gonna be like the most economically efficient. Obviously you could hire some, you could hire any old person in Texas to say that they’re gonna show up and go, oh yeah, we install this, we install that, but we’re just not, we don’t mess around. 1:53:37 So if you were like, you know what, I’ve got a client that we really need this to go well with and we need to get, you know, I’ve got this guy, Ali, you put him in front of anything, he’ll fix it. He’ll make it, you know, if, if it’s like, if, if, if he’s gonna hang a speaker above a chandelier, 1:53:53 he will take off every little piece of glass and he’ll put it back on without asking you any questions and do it perfectly. And that’s like what you’d expect with, with my install operations team. So, you know, definitely I’m not, I know I’m trying not to toot my horn too much, but that’s, that’s the value we provide. Yeah. 1:54:09 If you ever have any, if you have any jobs that need that kind of thing, I don’t, don’t, you know, don’t bother with something. You need to be the cheapest. Just if it’s gotta be reasonable price for the execution Right. To be spot on and like less questions asked. You know, that’s, that’s where we’ll shine if, 1:54:26 especially in, in these regions like Texas where we can actually readily get there without Yeah. Without like having to waste a day traveling. Well it is, but it’s not like LA where it’s like, Yeah, I’m gonna go get, get to LA and I’m gonna sit because now I can’t do anything. And now, you know? Yeah, absolutely. 1:54:45 So yeah, keep, keep us in mind there, and if you want, I can shoot you over Nate’s contact info. And he’s definitely, we’ll probably, we’ll probably work with Nate on the, on this the second bullet point projects because he’s really good about getting people to stick to a workflow and anything that he thinks of, I think is gonna be more beneficial. 1:55:03 So. Well, I definitely gotta get going. Yeah, me Too. And I’ll send you this email right now and that has kind of the, the scope in there and we’ll get to, we’ll get going on this. Thanks for the time. Yeah, you’re welcome man. Thank, thank you. Because it, when I tell people like, listen until I’ve seen it. 1:55:20 Yeah. Until, until you describe it to me and we walk through it and I ask questions about it, what Well always. Yeah. And it’s good to get to know you two because I think it’d be, you know, I, and I’d rather That’s right. I’d rather, I’d rather work through the concepts with someone as opposed to exchange a million emails back and forth and still be kinda like big question marks over here, 1:55:42 because I don’t know what you’re looking at. I don’t know what you’re seeing. I don’t, you know, it is like this, this is too easy. And, and why, you know, back at the very beginning when y’all first reached out and I was talking with Tyler and I was like, listen Tyler, if this gets to a point where it makes sense, 1:55:57 let’s just go to Chicago and we’ll just sit down and talk through it and work through it and make sure that it, you know, it all makes sense because that’s just the way we, we operate. It’s like we could burn a bunch of time second guessing things or we could just figure it out. And sometimes the fastest route is a meeting or an in-person and just go figure it out because it, 1:56:20 it just, yeah. I, Yeah. I would’ve to say if, if you guys have experience with accounting that if, if we do well with these engagements and especially the upper management here, see the value that that’s gonna be a big project. Yeah. That’s gonna be like that the accounting is going to be, it’s definitely gonna involve on-prem, it’s definitely gonna involve the, 1:56:45 in bringing in of an accounting expert. And not only that, but just brute data entry and stuff like that. So I think this is probably the, the step just getting through this would be a good thing to see how we will Absolutely. Together. Absolutely. And I like talking to you, you today, to get a sense of how I can interact versus just like, 1:57:05 I mean, like I said with with du it’s like, it’s nothing against the country at large, but it, it’s, it’s a lot of Indian development and just it’s bullshit on the forums of like, I have salute. You know, you say, how do I, how do I get all my messages to go from a ticket into Slack? It says, 1:57:26 ah, yes. Well here you download my, my thing I made 15 years ago, that doesn’t work for Version 12. And, And what it does is it takes the messages from Slack and it puts ’em into du ’cause I obviously understood what you asked There. Back, back in the day when I was doing it work for broadcast net television network. 1:57:46 The, the owner, no, sorry, the, the, the operations manager was dead sold on Dell SonicWall and he thought we needed to implement Dell SonicWall firewalls for our environment. I said, no, there’s this company called Cisco, they bought this company called Meraki and we don’t have nearly enough staff. So we need something easy to manage. And also where we pick up the phone and we call an engineer answers not someone who talks to an engineer and then the engineer calls us back and we can’t understand half the words that they say. 1:58:25 And they took 48 hours to get back to us unless we bought the ultra platinum plan. At which point they would guarantee to talk to us in two hours. We are a broadcast network, we are on the air, we need to talk to an engineer now. Yeah. And, and it was like, could not get him to understand like, all right, 1:58:44 fine, have them send me the Dels sonic wall, I will put it through the paces and then I will get on the engineering call with the person and we will validate that what I’m saying is true. And sure enough, I sat there for two hours, didn’t understand half of what was being said, and it’s like, it’s not because I don’t understand the technology, 1:59:05 it’s because I don’t understand your accent and the way you’re talking and the way you’re describing and the complexity of the system is so way out of, you know, not even in the same category. And I said, I told the manager, I said, listen, the other night I was here at 3:00 AM I picked up the phone and I called Meraki and I would talked to an engineer in Sydney and in 15 minutes without talking to a single account manager, 1:59:34 without having to go through a answering service and without waiting two hours for a callback, I was on the phone with an engineer in Sydney and we had the problem solved in 15 minutes at three o’clock in the morning. That’s not happening with Dell. It’s probably less good now, but it It is, it is. But it’s, We have pretty good experiences with Meraki stuff and Cisco in general. 1:59:55 It’s, it’s the people left the hate on it because it’s expensive, but they, they seem to do a good enough job. Good thing. Alright, But did you get the email I sent over there and I am assuming Google is as reliable as they have been and great. Yes. But we’ll just validate that I make sure I sent it, I think. 2:00:17 Yep, I got it. Good. I got bullet points. Alrighty, well I will talk to you when you have some next steps for me and have a great weekend. You Too. You too. Thanks for taking Thanks, mark. Bye bye-Bye.